Mauritius Limited Partnerships
The Limited Partnerships Act 2011 introduces the concept of Limited Partnerships which is a flexible vehicle for investing into Africa and Asia through Mauritius.The Registrar of Limited Partnerships is the Registrar of Companies and the Financial Services Commission is where the Limited Partnership holds a Global Business Licence.
A Limited Partnership can be tailor made, having either a separate legal entity where any partnership property is held by the Limited Partnership itself or with no separate legal entity, where such property is held by the general partner. The approach in the Mauritius Limited Partnership law is to set default provisions, most of which can be supplemented or displaced by the partnership agreement, thus leaving the Limited Partnership to be a flexible and highly customisable vehicle.
Limited Partnerships enable Global Funds to be structured directly in Mauritius, hence lessening the need for complex master-feeder structures or creative manipulation of companies in order to achieve the optimal structure.
Key Features