Jebel Ali Trademark Registration
Jebel Ali Trademark Registration
A trademark is a brand name. A trademark or service mark includes any word, name, symbol, device, or any combination, used or intended to be used to identify and distinguish the goods/services of one seller or provider from those of others.
Key Features of Jebel Ali Trademark Registration
- Search report: In Jebel, Ali reports are only offered for word elements.
- Delivery time: 5 business days.
- Application: Approximate process duration for straightforward cases: 12 months.
- The prices expressed are for straightforward cases and include all official and professional fees.
- The prices do not include responses to office actions (e.g. examiner’s refusal), defences from third-party pre- or post-registration oppositions or responses to cancellation actions.
- Final Fee for Registration: The amount to be paid may vary. Price will be that expressed for the service at the moment when such is required or due.
Distinctive Advantages of Jebel Ali Trademark Registration
- A Jebel Ali registered trademark grants exclusive nationwide use.
- A Jebel Ali registered trademark serves as a deterrent against third parties that would otherwise use identical or confusingly similar trademarks for identical or similar goods or services.
- A Jebel Ali registered trademark grants one the right to use the ® Symbol.
The Valsen Advantage
- Speedy, Efficient and consistent Services.
- Dedicated ongoing compliance support.