Qatar LLC
The limited liability company (LLC) is the most popular business structure used in Qatar. LLCs must have a minimum of two and a maximum of 50 participants, each of whom is liable only to the extent of his or her share of the company’s capital. The capital of an LLC must be at least QAR 200,000, divided into equal shares of QAR10 or more each. The signed Memorandum and Articles of Association must be submitted, in Arabic, to the Ministry of Economy and Commerce.
Foreign investors are permitted a 49% stake in the business, on condition that there is one or more Qatari partners. However, foreigners may own up to 100% of a Qatari company in certain sectors, including agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, health, and education.
Qatar Limited Liability Company Key Features
- LLCs must have a minimum of two and a maximum of 50 participants
- The capital of an LLC must be at least QAR 200,000
- The signed Memorandum and Articles of Association must be submitted, in Arabic, to the Ministry of Economy and Commerce.
- Foreign investors are permitted a 49% stake in the business
- Foreigners may own up to 100% of a Qatari company in certain sectors
Qatar Limited Liability Company Legal Requirements
Qatar Limited Liability Company |
Corporate Details |
General |
Yes |
Share capital or equivalent |
Any |
QAR 200,000 |
Yes |
Yes |
Directors |
1 |
No |
Yes |
Shareholders |
2 |
50 |
Yes |
Company Secretary |
No |
Not required |
Accounts |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Qatar Limited Liability Company Tax Treatment
A Qatar LLC is liable to pay a corporate income tax of 10 % on profits sourced in Qatar
Qatar Limited Liability Company Duration for Set up
Around 4 Weeks
Qatar Limited Liability Company Distinctive Benefits
- No limitation on the amount of products or services the company can sell
- Your company will be recognized as a local company, often permitting the entity to take part in an increased number of government and private tenders
- The company will not be subject to withholding tax
The Valsen Advantage
- End to end comprehensive service
- Speedy and efficient service
- Expert advice on structuring options
- Dedicated ongoing compliance support
- Extensive network pool of service providers