Valsen Corporate


Licensed Finance Companies

Introduction of a Regulatory Framework to Facilitate Foreign Currency Borrowings by Licensed Finance Companies 2021

The Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) issued directions on foreign currency borrowings by Licensed Finance Companies (LFCs) on 9th April 2021 with a view to provide flexibility for LFCs to obtain low-cost funding from foreign sources to support their business expansions. The objectives of these directions are to stabilize any […]


Unlocking the Value of Data in Wealth Management 2021

  Wealth Management is undoubtedly in a period of constant change, motivated in part by changing investor preferences, regulatory developments, and evolving technologies.  As Wealth Managers formulate business and technology strategies, discussions on a variety of areas ranging from how best to select suitable solution partners obtaining the most accurate data, and, choosing the best deployment […]


Implementation of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) Register of Companies and Other Legal Entities in Cyprus 2021

  Cyprus implemented the full transposition of the 4th European Directive (EU 2015/849) of the European Parliament (4th AML Directive) into domestic law and activated the implementation of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) Register of Companies and other legal entities in Cyprus. By definition, a natural person who ultimately holds a shareholding or controlling interest or […]

The New HK Limited Partnership Fund Bill Regime 2020

  The Hong Kong (HK) Government passed the Limited Partnership Fund Bill, which took effect on 31st August, 2020. The Limited Partnership Fund (LPF) regime is a by-product of the collaboration between HK’s asset managers and the Government. This key objective of this new regime is to set up HK as Asia’s leading private equity […]

What to Consider When Choosing a Company Structure

When starting a business, one of the most important decisions owners must make is in choosing a legal company structure. The structure will affect a number of things about the company structure, including how it will be run and taxed; whether it will be recognized as a legal entity separate from its owners. Entrepreneurs must, […]

How to Reduce Your Taxes Using Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property rights account for a growing share of a firm’s assets. It is more mobile than other forms of capital and could be used by firms to shift income offshore and to reduce their corporate income tax liability. We consider how influential corporate income taxes are in determining where firms choose to legally own […]

How to Set Up a Virtual Office

As a small business owner, we know all too well the challenges one may face with trying to keep business operational costs at a minimum while maintaining a professional image. When we started consulting business in 2014, we searched for ways to keep the costs associated with running a business as minimal as possible. To […]