Valsen Corporate

Global Trade

Licensed Finance Companies

Introduction of a Regulatory Framework to Facilitate Foreign Currency Borrowings by Licensed Finance Companies 2021

The Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) issued directions on foreign currency borrowings by Licensed Finance Companies (LFCs) on 9th April 2021 with a view to provide flexibility for LFCs to obtain low-cost funding from foreign sources to support their business expansions. The objectives of these directions are to stabilize any […]

Singapore Digital Economy Partnership Agreement 2021

  The Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA) between Singapore, Chile and New Zealand is the first digital economy partnership concluded by Singapore. The DEPA is a first of its kind agreement that establishes new approaches and collaborations in digital trade issues, promotes interoperability between different regimes and addresses the new issues brought about by digitalisation. Through […]

The UK-Japan Trade Deal: Opportunities and Challenges for Corporate Governance 2021

  The UK government announced a historic free trade deal with Japan, its first post-Brexit independent trade pact, tipped to boost trade between the two countries by an estimated £15.2 billion in the short term. The deal with Asia’s largest advanced economy officially took just over three months to conclude, although negotiations have been going […]

Germany Ranked the most Innovative Country in the World – 2020

  Innovation has been at the center of the global conversation especially as countries, including Germany, have been defining survival paths in these uncertain times. The COVID-19 outbreak has essentially worked as a ‘readiness checkup’ for countries on their ability to innovate in the face of changing times. An economy’s response to megatrends, such as […]

SRI: The Emerging Focus for Long-term Investing in Malaysia

After reaching record highs in January of this year, the emerging markets in Southeast Asia have witnessed a tremendous sell off amid fears of a looming trade war and a rising US interest rate environment. These factors have forced markets in the region to become highly volatile. How can investors help stabilize their strategy in […]

Global Financial Crisis – Where the Next One Might Come From

Ten years on from the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the deepening of the global financial crisis, the world seems to be a safer place. Over the past decade there have been significant shifts in the world economy to the extent that the imbalances that could lead to a global financial crisis are less. The […]

US-China Trade War – It’s Impact on China’s Economy

The US-China Trade War continues to shape the dynamic global trade market. The trade war with the U.S. couldn’t have come at a worse timing for China, which had just begun focusing in earnest on fixing problems with its economy. Many analysts have suggested that the impact of the Washington-Beijing trade skirmish will be relatively muted […]